- 19.08.2014
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Unidentified Flying Object or UFO never stops fascinating the world. And this time it has driven the UFO believers into a state of frenzy.
Till date, there have been three videos taken recently from the orbit and they appeared to show mysterious objects which some people believe to be the evidence of extraterrestrial life.
As first reported by the Houston Chronicle, devoted UFO viewers reported twice in the past week that they could spot an Unidentified Flying Object near the International Space Station, through NASA's live webcam. The videos have gone viral.
The first event occurred in August 4. On that day blogger Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily witnessed a "glowing disk" on the live feed.
"Hey everyone, I was watching the live cam and caught this glowing disk in the distance," Waring wrote in his blog post. "I took a screenshot of the UFO and enlarged it. It has a long line down its middle and a dome on its top,” Waring wrote.
Waring said he saw the very faint, grey speck. But he believed that officials from NASA didn’t want to reveal much over the Internet, therefore 'NASA did go to blue screen as soon as they noticed the UFO. When they brought the cam back online again, the UFO was gone,' he was quoted saying.
Many viewers became disappointed with this act.
"Really neat that you caught them going to blue screen as the object comes closer you can almost imagine the person that sensors saying, oh-no not another”, commented one such viewer.
The video "screams we're guilty of hiding the truth," they said.
Waring posted the second video with website Streetcap1. It showed a white light glowing while above the earth's domed atmosphere on Aug. 7. Then It slowly faded away.
And the latest video posted on Tuesday by Streetcap1 showed a cluster of white dots that appeared over the edge of the space station but after about one minute, the four dots completely disappeared.
By Indrani Bhattacharyya | August 15, 2014 1:11 PM EST
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