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10.02.2014, 22:50
An announcement from Courtney Brown
To read this in Portuguese, Ricardo has kindly translated this article which you can find here. The Farsight Institutes Courtney Brown announced this message below on his Facebook account about an hour ago. I thought some of you may be interested considering his involvement in remote viewing and past projects/announcements.
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09.02.2014, 13:48
Updated: Alien Face Discovered By Mars Rover Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.
Update: Below is the same face, flipped and mirrored side by side! This is what the aliens look like, screenshot credit UFOvni2012 of Youtube. Here we have before us the face of an ancient alien species.Their skull is very long which would indicate that they are highly intelligent.
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09.02.2014, 13:35
Argentina: UFO “Took Away The Jellyfish” from Monte Hermoso Bay, Argentina Jan 2014, UFO Sighting News.
Inexplicata UFO News States: Argentina: UFO “Took Away The Jellyfish” from Monte Hermoso A video recorded by Leandro Mitili, showing a UFO emerging from the water on January 14 and which has received around 400,000 views, has become the talk of the town, particularly when the perspective of the mayor of this community is thrown in the mix.
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27.01.2014, 22:12
Humans do NOT come from Earth – and sunburn, bad backs and pain during labour prove it, expert claims
A U.S. ecologist has claimed that humans are not from Earth but were put on the planet by aliens tens of thousands of years ago. Dr Ellis Silver points to a number of physiological features to make his case for why humans did not evolve alongside other life on Earth, in his new book.
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15.01.2014, 00:17
Terrifying moment teacher was gored by an elephant through her door as it flipped CAR and flung it 40 yards in Safari park rampage
This is the moment an enraged bull elephant flipped over a car containing a British teacher and her fiance during an African safari. Sarah Brooks, 30, and her fiance were filming the animal from their car as it drank at a waterhole when it turned and went for them. It flipped their vehicle and shunted it around 130ft down a track into thick bushland.
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14.01.2014, 15:41
Исходя из различных данных, Рептилии или Рептоиды – самый агрессивный вид существ, а искомая область их существования – пространство «Alpha Draconis» - Альфа Дракон, которое существует за пределами земной частоты колебаний (4-тое измерение). Рептильный вид делится на Внеземной, Земной и Межмерный.
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19.12.2013, 01:19
Probing Extraterrestrial Abduction
In the United States the first story of abduction by extraterrestrials that received national attention was that of Betty and Barney Hill, a couple from New Hampshire who claimed to have been kidnapped in a UFO in 1961. There is, however, another, earlier, story of abduction. This one dates from 1957 and centers around Antônio Villas Boas, a farmer from rural Brazil.
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19.11.2013, 00:59
Indisputable scientific proof man never stepped foot on the Moon nor left Earth’s atmosphere
It is scientifically and physically impossible for man to set foot on the Moon. The fact that we need a constant intake of water means that man could not go to, let alone step foot on the Moon or even Mars. Despite what NASA will have you believe, one giant leap of faith, we cannot live on Mars even if water exists. We need massive amounts of atmospheric water vapor to inhale and a precise amount of atmospheric water pressure to surround us to survive. Man was in 1969 and is today in 2012 technologically confined to Earth.
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17.11.2013, 21:05
Two crop circles appear in Brazilian town on the same day (Video)
Two crop circles have appeared near the town of Ipuaçu in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Local UFO researchers are convinced they are not man-made and have put up a $20,000 reward for anyone who can prove they faked them.
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17.11.2013, 20:55
UFO videos over Germany show objects in triangular formation
These interesting videos appear to a show a triangular UFO, or three separate UFOs in a triangle formation over the state of Bavaria in Germany.
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