Назад Главная » Блоги о паранормальном » 2014 » Октябрь » 18
18.10.2014, 21:02
Hawk: Why Was 12.0 Quake Censored Off Coast Of Ebola-Stricken West Africa? Obola Treason As America Imports Disease!!!
In the brand new videos below from Hawk’s radio show, Hawk shares with us his latest information from a deep background source on Ebola being flown into America and asks WHY a 12.0 magnitude quake off of the West Coast of Africa is now being censored. Was this 12.0 an attempt to trigger a tsunami upon the Ebola-ridden nations, to finish the job that Ebola hasn’t yet been able to do, or was this some sort of a ‘glitch’? You can check out screenshots of the ‘event’ below videos…you can see, the 12.0 came in DIRECTLY from the USGS feed!!!
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